So, ever think you should have stayed in law school? Or engineering? Or anything other than teaching?
How can we provide customized learning for each student?
The answer is to move to a modular architecture in schools. Such a design would be an ideal way of coping with the "considerable certainty that people in fact learn differently" (p. 24). (Discuss the SRA Reading Lab as an example of modular design.)
Christensen expects an answer concerning the differences in learning preference to come from neuroscientists. For most people, synaptic connections are presumed to underpin learning (to be "the underlying causal mechanism" [p. 24]), but the way in which synaptic facilitation at the cellular level aggregates to be interpreted as learning at the organismic level is yet to be explained. (We will talk more about simulation later in the course, but please take some time to play and learn with Children's Hospital Boston interative feature on
the neuron.)
Rethinking intelligence and how we learn
What is intelligence? The link provides a wealth of variety from the web. Christensen focuses on the "multiple" aspect as delineated by Howard Gardner:
Intelligence is solving real-life problems, generating more problems, and making something or providing a service.
First level of complexity: A well-aligned teaching approach will accord with your intelligence(s), and will, therefore, be intrinsically motivating. (Any examples like "Zoey" that you have come across?)
Second level of complexity: Most people excel in only two or three intelligences, AND, within each, there are different learning styles: visual learners, those who need to verbalize, act, write, etc., AND, the preferred learning style is not constant across intelligences in the same person.
Third level of complexity: People learn at different paces from slow to fast [within their preferred learning style within their preferred intelligence].
If there is all this complexity, why are schools organized so lock-step?
For survival. As Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon (2009) explain it, in the face of overwhelming complexity, the only way for a teacher to avoid chaos is to develop set patterns that do not require the teacher to be constantly making multiple decisions. (Observe the process of standardization starting in this article. What are your standardized ways of teaching?)
Christensen described the place where the parts of a product or service fit together or interact with each other as an interface. There are two types of interfaces: interdependent and modular.
An interdepenent interface means that, if one thinks of some type of a product with two components where the characteristics of the way they fit together (the interface) cannot be predicted, an organization "must develop both of the components if it hopes to develop either component" (p. 29). The architecture of the interface is proprietary because any other organization making this product will choose its own best-way of making it. Since it has to make both components anyway, one organization isn't interested in what another organization's components are like, or how they fit together.
A modular interface architecture, on the other hand, "specifies the fit and function of all elements so completely that it does not matter who makes the long as they meet the defined specifications" (p. 30).

Christensen uses the example of a light bulb to help explain the concept of a modular interface. As long as they keep the interface the same (the same thread on the same diameter of base) manufacturers can "play" with what goes on top of the base--for example, making it a compact fluorescent bulb or a red incandescent bulb, etc.
As you know if you've travelled, different countries have different light bulb interfaces, but (hopefully) the interface won't change within the country.
Or does it? There are different types of bulbs used for different purposes (Suggest some other examples of modular interfaces--particularly service interfaces.)
Christensen contrasted this with Henry Ford's problem when he was forced to use an interdependent design so the panels of the Model T would fit. Though Christensen doesn't emphasize this, I find it interesting that Ford didn't opt for an interdependent design; the properties of the available material forced it on him. (I want to mention this point here so I can come back to it later in terms of whether there are properties of humans that would necessitate an interpedent design.)
Customizing a product with interdependent architecture (might) require a complete redesign of the entire product or service every time.
Modularity, in contrast, "opens the system to enable competition for performance improvement and cost reduction of each module." (p. 31).
Christensen suggests that, as the underlying technology of a product matures, so does the level of modularity. In the early interdependent days of a product, consumers put with a lack of customization because customization is hideously expensive. However, at the "Dell" stage of computers, components are being made all over the world and "clicked" together. (
Why is a Mac so much more expensive than a PC?) (
Presumably, the modular stage is better--but why don't you use Linux?)
The dominant model in schools is interdependent in four ways: 1. Temporal: You have to study "this" in 7th grade so you can take it in 9th grade.
2. Lateral: Teaching a foreign language differently from English means the sequence of the English curriculum would have to change.
3. Physical: The layout of the building restricts the implementation of project-based learning.
4. Hierarchical: Union-negotiated work rules; centralized curriculum decisions; implications for teacher training.
There are vested interests supporting the interdependencies, even though customization is hideously expensive. Christensen states that "spending increases for special accounts (sic) for over a third of the spending in many districts" (p. 34). (Is an IEP a good example of customization?)
"Teaching to multiple intelligences in a monolithic model (for example, by keeping track of student progress with real-time assessments and computer software) is fraught with problems" (p. 36). Christensen builds toward his end point: "schools need a new system." Along the way he makes some memorable statements. For example, "members of these intellectual cliques are often unaware of the extent to which their shared patterns of thinking exclude those with strengths in other kinds of intelligences" (p. 37). (What is the difference between the "shared patterns of thinking" that Christensen criticizes, and "disiciplinary perspectives" that are shared by the community of scholars in that discipline?)
Potential for customized learning
Teaching is not either monolithic, batch-processing OR customized. There are intermediate stages in moving to a student-centric model which is powered by emerging computer software. Modularity and customization will reach a
tipping point (
Gladwell referred to a tipping point as a "social epidemic." How do you interpret this term?) and teachers will become guides on the side. (In this course, I am casting
blended learning as one of the intermediate stages between "monolithic" and "customized.")
I have seen many IEP's. In my opinion, many of the accomodations that are provided to students with special needs are often times tailored to all students, such as extended time on assignments, use of manipulatives, and clarification of directions. Many regular ed. students receive these accomodations without and IEP. I feel that an IEP is nothing more than a binding, legal document that gives parents the view that their child is receiving "extra" help in the classroom, but actually much of this is done anyways. The one difference in customization of the curriculum for some special needs students would be to have them do alternative assessments in the classroom and for the SOL's. To really customize education, one must look at the different learning styles and incorporate those into the curriculum. This can be accomplished by using centers in the classroom and assigning projects that allow the students to create their own method of delivery.
I would have to concur with Kristy. IEP's are enacted through accommodations and minutes of service via special education teachers and aides. defines accommodation as an adaptation. These accommodations are strategies to help the special education student adapt to the classroom. Adaptation is not customization. Adaptation infers a changing to fit in or get along. Cusomization is defined as, "to modify or build according to individual or personal specifications or preference." Ergo, a customized education plan(CEP)would require that the material, presentation style, response style, and pacing be designed with regard to each individual.
I would have to concur with Kristy. IEP's are enacted through accommodations and minutes of service via special education teachers and aides. defines accommodation as an adaptation. These accommodations are strategies to help the special education student adapt to the classroom. Adaptation is not customization. Adaptation infers a changing to fit in or get along. Cusomization is defined as, "to modify or build according to individual or personal specifications or preference." Ergo, a customized education plan(CEP)would require that the material, presentation style, response style, and pacing be designed with regard to each individual.
Can students be one size fits all? If yes, then standardization makes sense.
However, if this is in fact not the case, then we must say some other variation on it must happen or our schools will succumb to a radical concept, smaller schools with more attention per pupil until we have a ratio of 15 teachers to 1 student, all of which will be "highly qualified."
Schools could make better use of their existing technology to get a better grasp of making a curriculum that is student based, but many schools use extremely outdated database systems, such as AS 400.
Teacher communication is severely limited as the existing model of classrooms as private offices leads to isolation of teachers.
Will it come to the point where we will be able to do a personality portrait on a student through a test that can account for everything?
Will that be good?
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